
Mexican archeologists discover home from the Conquest

The remains of the house belong to the early viceregal period (1521-1620 d.C.)

Archeologist of the INAH working in the preservation of the discovery – Photo: Taken from INAH’s official website
06/08/2019 |18:23Newsroom |
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In the number 17 of the Justo Sierra street in Mexico City’s downtown , experts of the Program of Urban Archeology (PAU) of the National Instituto of Anthropology and History (INAH) found remains of a dwelling built just after the fall of Tenochtitlán .

Through a press release, the INAH said that it has already begun with the works of archeological salvage and that there have been found vestiges of a platform that runs behind the Templo Mayor , as well as a house from the early viceregal period .

Raúl Barrera Rodríguez

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, head of the PAU, say that there are hints of the existence of an open space or square in that area of the sacred enclosure of Tenochtitlán , and that it is possible that the platform belongs to the one behind Templo Mayor, continues under the Justo Sierra street, and even under the Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso .

In the explorations, a staircase in good state of preservation was found, attached to a meter-wide wall, broken and octagonal edges., which served as lateral access to the house.

Archeologists were surprised by the presence of architectural vestiges of a house of the early viceregal period that was made with reused materials after the destruction of Mexica floors for the new homes of Cortés’ allies .

Archeologists consider that natives were returned to the area that belonged to the sacred enclosure to be used as manpower , under the direction of the Spanish.
