
Mexican actor joins The Suicide Squad cast

Cosio is known for his role as Cochiloco in the film El Infierno

Joaquín Cosio has starred in several sucessful Mexican movies - Photo: Carlos Mejía/EL UNIVERSAL
17/09/2019 |15:29Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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Mexican actor Joaquín Cosio

has confirmed he will participate in the upcoming Suicide Squad sequel.

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It is expected that the Mexican actor will join the antiheroes group led by Harley Quinn and Amanda Weller.

This is not Cosio 's first role in a Hollywood production since he will also participate in the upcoming Rambo film .

Joaquín Cosio

was born in 1962 in Tepic , Nayarit , Mexico . He is known for his role in Quantum of Solace (2008), El Infierno (2010), and The Lone Ranger (2013).
