
Meow, a beer to help rescued cats

La casa del Gato Gazzu is a civil association that has helped abandoned cats for 12 years

These craft beers raise funds to help rescued cats – Photo: Taken from Meow Cerveza Artesanal’s Facebook account
15/08/2019 |16:10Newsroom |
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The house of Gazzu the Cat is a civil association that has been in charge of improving the living situation of rescued cats for 12 years ; they take care of them and look for permanent loving homes for them.

This foundation , which receives donations , both in-kind and economic, has started to sell a craft beer called from which they get income to continue the hard work of finding homes for the most vulnerable felines.

This beer has 3 presentations : Meow Pale Ale, Meow Porter, and Meow Stout. The Pale Ale was the first beer they created and has a very light taste. The Porter was created from toasted malt and it has bittersweet flavor notes of chocolate. The Stout is a dark and mature beverage, ideal for beer lovers.

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These beers are available for MXN $69 online and in “Catfecito” in 266 Baja California street .

In addition, “La casa del Gato Gazzu” also has an online store where they offer products for cat lovers : cups, notebooks, and watches with cats are only some of the things you can find.


is another project of the foundation. Here, the food they offer goes from burgers and salads to pasta and sushi .

“La casa del Gato Gazzu” takes care of the most vulnerable cats . Meow beer, Catfecito, and the online store are only some of the projects they have developed to obtain funds and rescue abandoned cats.