
Meet the Mexican soccer player who scored the best goal in history

The goal dates back to the 2011 World Cup and took place during a match between Mexico and England

Ocampo has been distinguished as one of the best soccer players in Mexico. She currently plays with the Pachuca team in Mexico’s Women’s Soccer League - Photo: Julian Stratenschulte/EFE
07/05/2019 |15:46Newsroom |
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recently decided to pick the best goal in the history of the Women’s World Cup . After several days of voting, soccer fans chose a goal scored by Mexican player Mónica Ocampo .

The goal dates back to the 2011 World Cup and took place during a match between Mexico and England , a complicated duel in which the European players originally had the winning hand.

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Ocampo has been distinguished as one of the best soccer players in Mexico. She currently plays with the Pachuca team in Mexico’s Women’s Soccer League .
