
Candidates request security detail during campaign period

Councilor of the INE says the request shall be submitted to the Ministry of the Interior, according to protocol

José Antonio Meade (left) & Margarita Zavala (right) - Photo: Yadin Xolalpa/EL UNIVERSAL
18/04/2018 |14:24Carina García |
Redacción El Universal
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The presidential candidate of the “All for Mexico” coalition, José Antonio Meade , and the independent candidate Margarita Zavala , requested a personal protection detail to the National Electoral Institute (INE) for the remainder of the campaign period.

Councilor Marco Antonio Baños, president of the Organization and Civic Education commissions, confirmed the INE received the requests last Monday and that they have already submitted them to the Ministry of the Interior, according to protocol, as it is the responsibility of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to assign personal protection services to the presidential candidates.

Cauhtémoc Blanco

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, former football player currently running for Governor of the state of Morelos , and eight federal deputies have also submitted similar requests. Councilor Baños declared that in the case of Blanco, the state government should be the one responsible for providing personal protection to the candidate, nevertheless they have submitted all requests to the Ministry of the Interior, office which shall decide which type of security will be provided, if any.
