
Meade, the king of the Mexican sandwich

Under Reserve features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

Former Ministers of Finances with Meade in the center – Photo: Taken from @SHCP_mx
11/01/2018 |10:00
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Meade, the king of the Mexican sandwich

Yesterday, the aspiring presidential candidate of the center-right Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), José Antonio Meade , was treated like a king by over a dozen of former Ministers of Finances. The host was the current Minister of this Department, José Antonio González , who has carried on with the tradition of hosting an annual dinner with those who have led the Ministry of Finances and Public Credit. At a table where the guest of honor was Meade, José Gonzalez and the former Minister turned Chancellor, Luis Videgaray, sat beside him. We've been told that Meade is fond of the Mexican sandwiches (" tortas ") of “El Rey del Pavo” a shop close to the National Palace, and thus this dish was served as an entry. Some of the attendants tried to eat their torta with a fork and a knife, but the presidential candidate set the example and dug in with his bare hands.

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AMLO waves a white flag

Mr. Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) has waved a white flag to the press, in a very unusual gesture coming from the aspiring presidential candidate of the left National Regeneration Party (MORENA). According to our sources, AMLO was very kind, friendly, and relaxed with the media, contrary to his usual tendency of linking them with the interests of the powerful, the “power mob.” In his tour across Veracruz, AMLO said news outlets are “reporting with objectivity, are not part of a group, and are acting with neutrality.” A few months ago he attacked the press, calling some of the news outlets “Fifi” but right now he's in his peace and love mode, ahead of the 2018 electoral contest, we've been told.

Test for the Electoral Prosecutor

The first test draws near for the head prosecutor of the Specialized Attorney's Office against Electoral Crimes, Héctor Díaz-Santana , in the form of a presentation before the 2018 Electoral Proceedings Follow-up Commission, recently created by senators and deputies of the Permanent Commission of the Congress of the Union. Our sources have explained to us that the legislators are trying to establish a communication channel with the Prosecutor, to let him know he must be vigilant of the 2018 General Election . Of course, the Odebrecht case is a hot topic, as well as the guarantees the Prosecutor can provide to the political forces that he will do his best to punish electoral offenders. We've been told he has a pretty solid background but now it's his turn to prove out there in the field what is he made of.

Diplomatic request

The meeting of Mexican consuls and ambassadors, celebrated each year at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs , wasn't free of claims and complaints. Consul General of Mexico in Boston, Emilio Rabasa , asked the new Minister of Education, Otto Granados , to look into a particular situation: the Consul General claims some Harvard students haven't received the money they're entitled to for their scholarships, granted by the National Council for Science and Technology (CONACYT). This situation, according to the diplomat, doesn't improve Mexico's image and some places could be lost.
