
The many health benefits of guava

Guavas comprise approximately a hundred species of trees native to the American continent

This fruit is very healthy - Photo: File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
27/12/2019 |14:26Alejandro Wong García |
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comprise approximately a hundred species of tropical trees and small trees native to the Caribbean , Central America , North America , and South America and there are one of the fruits with most . Besides, the can be consumed in many ways: raw, boiled, in tea, extracts, or prepared in complex dishes.

Guavas, due to their high content of vitamin C , are a great alternative in the case of respiratory diseases . Eating them regularly will provide you the necessary vitamins to protect the immune system .

Did you know guavas are used to prepare

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According to an investigation of Colombia’s National University , this is a very important fruit for bones for it has a high content of antioxidants , as well as vitamin E, phenols , and carotenoids , which are substances that eliminate free radicals and prevent oxidative stress as well as several metabolic disorders.

In addition, if you eat guavas at breakfast, your body will take the most advantage from the vitamins and you will give your organism a power load to begin your activities.

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Good for women

According to a study carried out by the 21st Century Medical Center Hospital of the the women who received a guava extract had less pain linked to the menstrual period, which revealed that guavas also have analgesic properties.

It stabilizes glucose

According to an analysis performed in Asia, where guava leaves have been used for teas for hundreds of years, by the , it was shown that a tea made with this fruit’s leaves could help to fight against sugar peaks experienced by type 2 diabetes patients . With long-term use, it was shown that guava leaves tea stabilizes the glucose levels.

Did you know guavas can be used to prepare


It prevents infections

An exploration made in the Institute of Sea Sciences of Ceára, Brazil, showed that guava leaves contain a component that can fight against bacteria, specifically the Staphylococcus Aureus , which causes skin infections and pneumonia.

If you have gastritis, avoid it

Although it is a fruit full of health benefits, you must know that, if you suffer from gastritis , you must not eat it on an empty stomach because of its acidity. It is best to eat something else before and then add guava.

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