
Man sexually harasses soccer player Sofia Huerta

Mexican-American Sofia Huerta was the victim of sexual harassment in Monterrey

Sofia Huerta plays for the Houston Dash team – Photo: Taken from Sofia Huerta's Facebook Page
08/10/2019 |11:27Newsroom/EL UNIVERSAL in English |
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After a friendly match between Tigres Femenil and Houston Dash in Monterrey , th e U.S. athletes took some time to hang out with their fans and snap a few pictures, unfortunately, Mexican-American Sofia Huerta was the victim of sexual harassment.

On October 5, Houston Dash player Sofia Huerta agreed to take a picture with a man but while Sofia was taking the picture, the man grabbed her breast .

After the picture was shared on social media , users launched a campaign to identify the aggressor .

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Today, the f emale Tigres team announced that it has filed a complaint against the attacker before the local Attorney General's Office and that the aggressor will be vetoed from all the games .
