
Lydia Cacho, the journalist fighting child abuse and human trafficking

Mexico's government publicly apologized to journalist and activist Lydia Cacho Ribeiro, who was criminalized for exercising her right to freedom of speech

Lydia Cacho - Photo: Mario Guzmán/EFE
14/01/2019 |13:49
Redacción El Universal
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's government publicly apologized to journalist and activist Lydia Cacho Ribeiro , who was criminalized for exercising her right to freedom of speech in 2005, as part of a resolution issued by the UN's Human Rights Commission .

Lydia Cacho

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denounced a pedophile ring in Cancún in her book titled “The Demons of Eden.”


was detained in Cancún by Puebla police in 2005. She was driven to Puebla , and police threatened her with rape , death and even forced a gun into her mouth. It was later revealed that Mario Marín, PRI, who was then Puebla's Governor , had schemed with Kamel Nacif, a Puebla businessman , to persecute Cacho for her book.

After accepting the public apology , she asked the government to create a true rule of law.

She mentioned cases where impunity reigns, such as Atenco , the ABC daycare, and expressed her will to dedicate her life to protect human rights.

Mexico's Internal Affairs Minister, Olga Sánchez Cordero

, recognize Lydia Cacho 's efforts to give voice to vulnerable groups and marginalized communities , especially girls and women .

Alejandro Encinas Rodríguez

apologized “for the arbitrary detention ” she went through, “for the use of torture as an investigation tool, intimidation , and punishment”, and as well as for the “ violence and discrimination you suffered because of your gender .”


also apologized for the “ impunity and corruption promoted by institutions on different government levels.”
