
Legendary Mexican wrestler dies at 73

The AAA, the World Wrestling Council, and many other wrestlers lamented his death

“Perro” Aguayo was one of the most popular wrestlers in Mexico - Photo: File Photo/EL UNIVERSAL
04/07/2019 |13:26Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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Mexican and international wrestlers and fans are mourning the death of former wrestler Pedro "Perro" Aguayo at 73.

Pedro Aguayo

's career reached its peak in the 80s. He also wrestled for UWF Japan and was inducted in AAA’s Hall of Fame in the 2000s .

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The Mexican wrestler debuted in 1963 and was one of the most popular wrestlers in Mexico .

He was also the first-ever WWF Light Heavyweight Champion and is considered as an AAA legend .

The AAA, the World Wrestling Council , and many other wrestlers lamented his death.
