
Karime Macías spotted in London, how can she afford it?

During Javier Duarte's administration, the health department allegedly gave children fake cancer treatments because of a lack of funds

Karime Macías fled to London when her husband was arrested – Photo: Taken form Carlos Loret de Mola's Twitter account
11/09/2018 |11:51Newsroom |
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Karime Macías

, Javier Duarte's wife , was seen at London's tube , in England , while she read The New Yorker.

Javier Duarte de Ochoa

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, who was the Veracruz Governor from 2010 to 2016, is currently in prison , after being extradited from Guatemala in July 2017.

Although the Veracruz authorities have asked to extradite Karime Macías, the PGR hasn't requested London to extradite her.

A few months ago, Veracruz' former first lady was spotted at the Wilbraham Mansions , a luxurious neighborhood in London , when she was shopping, went to the gym, and took her children to the exclusive Eaton Square School in London.

The former Veracruz Governor, Javier Duarte , is accused of criminal association after the organized crime charges against him were reformulated by the PGR .

Her life in London is not Karime Macías ' first scandal, who became a famous meme when her properties were seized, and her diaries were found, as the pages were full of “I deserve more abundance”.
