
Karime Macías could be extradited to Mexico in late 2020

Her husband is accused of watering down medicines for child cancer patients

Karime Macías lives in London, one of the most expensive cities in the world - Photo: Inder Bugarín/EL UNIVERSAL
09/01/2020 |13:05Inder Bugarin / Corresponsal |
Inder Bugarin
Corresponsal en EuropaVer perfil

The scheduled the date for the last hearing in the extradition case against , the wife of former Mexican governor Javier Duarte .

The court scheduled the hearing on November 16 and it will last 5 days.

Macías is wanted by Mexican authorities after she was accused of diverting from the state of Veracruz .

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She was by English authorities on October 29, 2019, but the foreign government did not extradite her and released her on .

Meanwhile, has reported is living in a £10,000-a-month flat in London .

Her husband, the disgraced politician , is currently serving his sentence in jail . He was accused of embezzlement , organized crime , and is said to have watered down medicines for child cancer patients while he was governor of Veracruz .
