
Journalists had an accident while traveling with the President

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

The journalists, reporters, and photographers were traveling to Guaymas – Photo: Edwin Hernández/EL UNIVERSAL
27/10/2019 |10:55
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Journalists had an accident while traveling with the President

The journalists and reporters traveling with President López Obrador had a major scare after their vehicle overturned on their way to Guaymas , Sonora . At least 10 reporters, cameramen, and photographers were injured and some of them required hospitalization and surgery . A day before, they had warned that there were failures in the vehicle . However, this is not the first that reporters have had an accident while traveling with López Obrador; the first time, the vehicle crashed after the brakes failed. It is worrying that these accidents happen so close to the President . How safe is the President?

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Where is Romero Deschamps?

It seems like those close to Carlos Romero Deschamps defend him. Despite his alleged escape , his closest collaborators claim that the former Pemex union boss is still in Mexico because he has nothing to fear or reasons to flee. Nevertheless, the former PRI senator hasn't been seen in public, not even to present to resignation from the oil workers union of October 16, in the midst of a series of investigations launched against him for illicit enrichment .

Morena is not interested in the CNDH

The government has told the candidates contending to lead the National Human Rights Commission that there is no line to follow. Morena 's fraction in the Senate has been careful in regards to this topic because they are saving their strength for the appointment of a new Supreme Court minister after Eduardo Medina Mora resigned. Morena, the ruling party, is willing to negotiate and appoint someone they don't approve of.

Bureaucracy doesn't extinguish fires

Natural phenomenons

don't respect borders . This is the case of Baja California and California , where fires have alerted both Mexican and U.S. authorities. The most serious phenomenon has taken place in Baja California and a group of firefighters , Calfire , from Colorado haven't been able to cross to Mexico because of protocol issues. Years ago, Baja California firefighters and Calfire signed a collaboration agreement to help each other in case of fires, that is, send personnel and tools but there are protocols that have to be fulfilled through this pact: Mexico and the U.S. governments have to sign paperwork .
