
Japanese food festival in Mexico City

Omakase will be the first festival dedicated to Japanese meat in Mexico, and you will be able to enjoy other beverages, desserts, among other things

Kobe beef is a Japanese delicacy – Photo: Taken from @Expojapan.mx Facebook account
13/08/2018 |12:12
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( お任せ ) is a Japanese word that means to trust , in the kitchen , it means you will trust the cook and enjoy a new culinary experience . That's exactly what this festival will be about.

There's nothing better than enjoying a good meat cut. From August 18 to August 19 , the first festival dedicated to Japanese meat in Mexico City: “Omakase”.

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Inside the festival, you will find different Japanese food stands , but the star of the show will be the meat , as well as different beverages like sake and Japanese beer , and also, kawaii desserts .

The festival's website has shared pictures and videos of the sort of delicacies you will be able to enjoy this weekend:

Besides eating everything you can, you will be able to enjoy several workshops about Japanese culture.

The festival will be hosted at the Asociación México Japonesa in Fujiyama 144, Las Águilas. The tickets are MXN $80 and you can buy them .
