
IPN and UNAM successfully launch probe to the stratosphere

The probe reached an altitude of 32 kilometers with a tour of 40 kilometers and a three-hour duration

The balloon probe was launched from the Explora Ecological Park in León, Guanajuato - Photo: File Photo/EL UNIVERSAL
11/05/2018 |11:47
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The Center for Aerospace Development (CDA) from the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico (IPN) , in collaboration with the Engineering Faculty and the Institute of Engineering from UNAM , successfully completed their second flight to the stratosphere with the purpose of obtaining atmospheric and inertial navigation variables with a balloon probe capable of reaching great heights. The probe was launched from the Explora Ecological Park in León, Guanajuato .

The data obtained during the mission will help outline several experiments and initiatives for the technological development that the CDA is encouraging, such as the conceptual design of the space mission TEPEU , that uses trajectory flight simulators for stratospheric balloons, as well as the implementation of orientation control strategies for small aerospace vehicles.

Mario Alberto Mendoza Bárcenas

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, an investigator from the CDA, informed that the Mexican Service Probe (CSM)-2018-A reached a height of approximately 32 kilometers, with a tour of 40 kilometers and a three-hour duration.
