
Internal migration expected in Mexico over climate change

By 2050, 1.7 million people living in the coastal regions of Mexico will have to migrate due to the worsening conditions caused by climate change, according to the World Bank

20/03/2018 |10:39Leonor Flores |
Redacción El Universal
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It's expected that 1.7 million of Mexican citizens migrate from the coastal regions of the Pacific and the Gulf toward Monterrey, Guadalajara, and Mexico City due to climate change , according to the World Bank.

The organism has stated that while Mexico has the potential to adapt to climate change , it has to pay close attention to “pockets of poverty,” as changing climate conditions may lead the poorest people to migrate towards the cities.

A stronger economy and a reduction in poverty and inequality will help Mexico to face the internal migration due to climate change, according to the report “ Groundswell – Preparing for International Climate Migration ,” of which Ethiopia, Bangladesh, and Mexico were selected as case studies of what may happen by 2050 if we fail to take action.

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The document reveals that homes dependent on agriculture are vulnerable to events of droughts and cyclones, which will drive people to look for other opportunities in the cities and abroad.

According to the report, the onset of the phenomenon will impact three densely populated regions – Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and Latin America – causing over 140 million people to become “climate migrants” that may threaten development if not taken into account.

According to the report, the worst-case scenario for Mexico includes 1.7 million of poor people forced to migrate to the center of the country, due to the slow-onset of climate change impacts which will see, overall, a decrease in crop productivity, a shortage of water, and a rise in sea level.

To avoid such an outcome, a sustained development and a stronger economy will allow Mexico to have more resources and adaptability capacity to launch actions addressed at the most vulnerable groups, pursuant to the World Bank.
