
INEGI rebels against AMLO’s Austerity Law

Mexico's National Institute of Statistics and Geography has increased wages above inflation levels

The adjustments came into place last week, representing an increase above inflation levels compared to the salary perception manual of 2017 - Photo: File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
25/09/2018 |14:56Leonor Flores |
Redacción El Universal
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After the approval of the Federal Salaries Law for Public Servants and shortly after before it goes into effect, the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) has modified its salary perception manual upward.

According to the institute in charge of measuring inflation and overall population statistics in Mexico , the decision approved by the Government Board was made with the sole purpose of upholding its personnel’s purchasing power.

INEGI’s most recent adjustments were made in the framework of President-elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO)’s austerity policy , which he means to implement during his upcoming government. The law encompasses the reduction of wages and salaries of government officials, setting a limit of 108 thousand pesos for every public servant in the country, which is what he will make as president of Mexico.

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The modifications made by the institute include average monthly gross incomes for the staff command and updated budget adjustments, as well as increased employee benefits for high officials and liaison employees.

The adjustments came into place last week, representing an increase above inflation levels compared to the salary perception manual of 2017 .

According to the new tab, the manager of INEGI will perceive a monthly salary of 217,257 pesos before taxes , which surpasses the 108,000 budget ceiling set by AMLO.

Thus, the national institute established that the manager of INEGI would have a wage perception limit of 151,082 pesos a month after taxes, representing a 6.5% increase compared to 2017 , and well above the 145,298 pesos a month that had initially been approved this year .

The Government Board of INEGI comprises the manager as well as four assistant managers in charge of generating geographic, environmental, demographic, social, economic, governmental, security, and justice administration information .

Wages for each of the assistant managers went from 131,959 pesos a month in 2017 to 144,635 pesos with the approval of their new manual

, which surpassed the 139,061 pesos that had been approved for 2018.
