
A historic day at the Supreme Court

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

Margarita Ríos-Farjat was the head of the Tax Administration Service (SAT) - Photo: Germán Espinosa/EL UNIVERSAL
06/01/2020 |10:40
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A historic day at the Supreme Court

For the first time in the history of the , there will be three female magistrates . Since the 1995 judicial reform , the court has had a maximum of two women during the same period but starting today, with the arrival of Margarita Ríos-Farjat , the number of female judges will increase. The new Supreme Court minister arrived at the court after resigned after he was accused of irregularities in his assets and in the midst of an investigation. Ríos-Farjat , the former head of the SAT , has more experience in regards to administrative issues, will study and solve cases dealing with criminal and civil matters.

What happened with Medina Mora?

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Now that we mentioned former minister , we’ve been told that his legal situation is still unknown. Let’s not forget that the Financial Intelligence Unit , led by Santiago Nieto , filed complaints in regards to suspicious operations carried out by Medina Mora in other countries. Both the Attorney General’s Office and the Public Affairs Ministr y haven’t addressed the case. Will we know if Medina Mora committed a crime or not in 2020 ?

Beatriz Mojica tries to win the president’s support

Beatriz Mojica

, the former PRD General Secretary, wants to be seen with president Andrés Manuel López Obrador . We’ve been told that after she left the PRD, Mojica has been in the spotlight as she is constantly voicing her opinion and participates in politics in , and even claims to be working for Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard . A few days ago, she shared a message saying that Guerrero doesn’t deserve to live in the midst of violence and that “we have to walk hand in hand with president Andrés Manuel López Obrador” to boost the development of the state. Is Beatriz Mojica trying to join Morena and gain the president’s support to run for governor in 2021 ?

Mexican diplomats will promote major projects

On January 7, president A ndrés Manuel López Obrador will meet with the country’s 130 during an annual meeting led by chancellor Marcelo Ebrard . This will be the second meeting between the Mexican president and diplomats, where they will continue with the foreign politics strategy and austerity policy , as well as discuss the Dos Bocas refinery , the Mayan Train , the Santa Lucía airport , and other major projects so that the diplomats spread the word about these projects.
