
Hailstorms strikes Mexico

The city was also struck by floods and affected by fallen trees and cars covered in ice

Hail engulfed the city of Guadalajara - Photo: Francisco Guasco/EFE
01/07/2019 |12:36Newsroom & Agencies |
Redacción El Universal
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Drifts of hail from a storm partially buried tractor-trailers and cars in the city of Guadalajara , bringing families out on to the streets to play with ice despite the summer heat.

On Sunday, the storm covered parts of Mexico’s second largest city in white, images show.

Firefighters, soldiers, and police officers

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took to the streets to help the clear-up operations.

In June, Guadalajara , located in western Mexico , usually sees a verage temperatures of around 31°C.

Besides the hailstorm , the city was also struck by floods and affected by fallen trees and cars covered in ice .

Today, San Miguel de Allende , a municipality in the state of Guanajuato , was struck by another hailstorm that flooded the city, damaged vehicles, homes, and businesses .
