
Germany: Techs defuse WWII bomb after massive evacuation

German authorities evacuated about 60,000 people in Frankfurt prior to defuse a 1.8-tonne bomb

Photo: AFP
05/09/2017 |12:06EFE |
Redacción El Universal
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German authorities began operations before evacuating about 60,000 people from the western city of Frankfurt prior to defuse a World War II bomb .

On Saturday, civil authorities started to evacuate patients from two hospitals in Frankfurt within the area affected by the biggest operation in post-war German history.

The evacuation will continue on Sunday morning and it will force 60,000 people approximately to leave their homes and go to a security zone.

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The massive bomb was found on August 29 during construction work in the Westend district . It is an HC 4,000blockbuster bomb ” with 1.4 tons of explosive.

More than seventy years after the end of WWII ( 1939-1945 ), about 2,000 tons of unexploded bombs are found in Germany every year.

A similar operation was carried out in the southern city of Koblenz , where an American bomb was successfully defused and about 21,000 citizens were evacuated as well.

Earlier this week, the deactivation of another bomb in Berlin closed Tegel airport for several hours.

The intense allied bombardments against Germany still force the demining units to frequently neutralize WWII bombs found in construction sites, forests and fields.
