On Sunday, it was reported that an unspecified number of national and international tourists were at the Nevado de Toluca , a volcano and national park located in the state of Mexico .

On November 25, one day after the incident, Security Minister Alfonso Durazo confirmed that a criminal group kidnapped two tourists, one of them , and later demanded a ransom to release actor Alejandro Sandí and Frédéric Michel .

At 1 p.m., it was announced that both victims had been released and that both of them are safe.

On Sunday, it was reported that both men had been and retained in the mountains and their cars were stolen.

After the was reported, the National Guard and the local police launched an operation to find the victims.

French tourist and Mexican actor kidnapped at a national park in Mexico
French tourist and Mexican actor kidnapped at a national park in Mexico

It was also revealed that French authorities had launched an investigation for the kidnapping of


The Xinantécatl volcano , better known as the Nevado de Toluca , is quite popular among national and international tourists. It is located 22 kilometers away from Toluca and it's famous for its lakes, where athletes than practice altitude diving.

French tourist and Mexican actor kidnapped at a national park in Mexico
French tourist and Mexican actor kidnapped at a national park in Mexico

Nevertheless, in recent years tourists have reported and theft at the national park . Moreover, the state of Mexico has sunk into a state of chaos , crime , and violence.


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