
France overtakes China's COVID-19 death toll

France became the fourth country to cross the 3,000 fatalities threshold after China, Italy, and Spain

Funeral ceremony at Madeleine Church in Paris, France. Photo: Nasser Berzane/ABACAPRESS.COM via REUTERS
31/03/2020 |15:55Reuters |
Redacción El Universal
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French health authorities reported 418 new deaths from on Monday, taking the total to 3,024 or an increase of 16%, France becoming the fourth country to cross the 3,000 fatalities threshold after China , , and .


The daily government tally only accounts for those dying in hospital but authorities say they will very soon be able to compile data on deaths in retirement homes, which is likely to result in a big increase in registered fatalities .

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Health Agency Director Jerome Salomon

told a news conference that the number of cases had risen to 44,550, a rise of 11% in 24 hours.

Salomon said 5,107 people were in a serious condition needing life support, up 10% compared to Monday, an increase speeding up again after slowing for two days.
