
Former U.S. ambassador Roberta Jacobson suggests Felipe Calderón's administration knew Genaro García Luna had dealings with the Sinaloa Cartel

According to Jacobson, the Mexican government knew the official worked for the bloody cartel

Felipe Calderón appointed García Luna as Security Minister in 2006 - Photo: File Photo/EL UNIVERSAL
03/05/2020 |15:37Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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In an interview with Mexican magazine , Roberta Jacobson, the former U.S. ambassador in Mexico, said former Mexican President knew former Security Minister had dealings with drug cartels while in office.

In the interview, the former U.S. ambassador said the U.S. government had information about García Luna’s relationship with the , one of the largest drug trafficking organizations in the world.


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Jacobson denied that the U.S. incurred in omission by failing to take legal action against the Security Minister appointed by Felipe Calderón : “Blaming the U.S. for information it possessed and suggest that the Mexican government didn’t have the same information about corruption and the problems of an official, it’s probably so naïve and worse than duplicity.”

Roberta Jacobson

said that the State Department obtained the information through U.S. officials but “it came from the Mexicans, they were the ones who had and received the most information about García Luna’s corruption .”

Currently, is in U.S. custody, where he was charged with collaborating with the Sinaloa Cartel to import tons of cocaine to the U.S. while he was Mexico’s Security Minister between 2006 and 2012.

Meanwhile, Felipe Calderón denies any wrongdoing denies knowing anything about the link between Gacía Luna and the l:


Yesterday, Jacobson addressed the story:
