
Emma Coronel launches line of clothing and accessories of “El Chapo”

The line includes casual sweatshirts, t-shirts, blazers, belts, lighters, caps, and other accessories

Emma Coronel, wife of “El Chapo” Guzmán – Photo: Taken from Emma Coronel Instagram account
17/07/2019 |18:46Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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Emma Coronel

, the wife of the leader of the Cartel of Sinaloa , Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán , launched a line of clothing and accessories about her husband, who is being held prisoner in the U.S.

The collection includes casual clothing, like sweatshirts, t-shirts, and blazers , as well as lighters, caps, whine kits, and cellphone rings .

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Some even include the face of the drug lord, husband of Emma Coronel.

The line is available online in Mexico and the U.S. , and even offers a membership .

The identity of the clothing line says that Guzmán is “a humble orange seller with a lot of goals and a great ambition.”
