
Emilio Lozoya, former Pemex director, won't be arrested

The Mexican government issued an arrest warrant against Lozoya, the former official is wanted by the Interpol in 190 countries

Emilio Lozoya was Pemex's director during the previous administration. Pictuired: Lozoya and Ancira - Photo: Javier Lira/EL UNIVERSAL
05/06/2019 |11:05Diana Lastiri |
Redacción El Universal
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Emilio Lozoya Austin

, the former Pemex director accused of bribery, money laundering, and fraud, has been granted the definitive suspension against his arrest after a judge in Mexico City issued an arrest warrant against him last week.

Another judge in Mexico City confirmed her decision to stop the execution of the arrest warrant against Lozoya , the result of an investigation carried out by Mexico's Attorney General in regards to the acquisition of Agronitrogenados , a fertilizers plant owned by Altos Hornos de México, S. A. (AHMSA), in 2014 by Pemex .

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According to the Federal Judicial Council, the judge made this decision because Lozoya is not wanted for crimes that require pretrial detention .

Emilio Lozoya

and Alonso Ancira , the owner of AHMSA , are being investigated for at least three crimes: fraud, money laundering, and bribery.

Therefore, Emilio Lozoya won't have to appear before the F ederal Public Prosecutor's Office , that is, he will only testify if the Attorney General's Office requests it.

The suspension will stay in play until the judge grants or denies an amparo on June 24.

After the Mexican government issued an arrest warrant against Lozoya and the former Pemex official is wanted in 190 countries as the Interpol issued a red notice on him.
