
Drug traffickers trespass government building

The invasion of this building is an example of how the government is losing ground against criminals

The Judiciary owns over 660 buildings throughout the country - Photo: File Photo/EL UNIVERSAL
08/09/2019 |08:24
Redacción El Universal
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The Federal Judiciary 's council issued a report where it is revealed that this institution, under the Federal Judicial Branch (PJF) owns a total of 660 buildings and construction places, furthermore, it was revealed that over half of the buildings have become the homes of judges and magistrates and many others are abandoned , empty , misused , or have been trespassed .


he report shows that the other half of the buildings that are not inhabited by judges and magistrates are neglected and generate high costs such as rent payments, maintenance fees, construction , or renovations . In one of these cases, a building in Chetumal , in the state of Quintana Roo , can't be used after Civil Protection considers that people could be at risk inside the building after the construction of a gas station next to the building was approved. Although the construction was halted after the Judiciary filed a motion before state authorities , local authorities have yet to make a final decision and meanwhile, the PJF is losing MXN $85,000 per month in rent, as well as MXN $4 million in renovations made to the building.

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Nevertheless, the most dramatic case is a building located in Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl, in the state of Mexico . The Court purchased it in 1990 but it was soon abandoned and people took the opportunity to brake in and trespass the building in 2016. Once installed, these people launched a drug trafficking business in the building, although they were later sued and evicted .

The invasion of this building is an example of how the government is losing ground against criminals . It is unthinkable that the Judiciary is losing assets and benefiting criminals because if this happens to authorities , what can citizens expect? These situations can't be allowed because they will set a precedent and motivate other criminal organizations to take over government buildings .
