
Doctors reject jobs due to crime and violence

Gabriel O’Shea Cuevas admitted there are 30 doctor positions and 50 nurse positions available in the south of the state because interns refuse to work in the region next to Guerrero, Michoacán, and Morelos

Doctors and nurses refuse to work in dangerous areas - Photo: File Photo/EL UNIVERSAL
25/11/2018 |14:37Claudia González |
Redacción El Universal
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The State of Mexico's Health Minister, Gabriel O’Shea Cuevas , has admitted there are 30 doctor positions and 50 nurse positions available in the south of the state because residents refuse to work in the region next to Guerrero, Michoacán, and Morelos , due to kidnaps and insecurity in those areas.

Gabriel O'Shea

discussed the situation with municipal authorities and although some sent police officers outside the clinics permanently, he claimed that he would rather close the clinics that “lose the life of a resident”.

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After being questioned about the reports from the health sector employees in the Valley of Mexico , in regards to kidnaps carried out by criminal groups so doctors and nurses care for their wounded, O'Shea recognized that he has reports from Tlatlaya, Luvianos , and San Simón de Guerrero , “they have kidnapped doctors and nurses so they take care of them”.

That is why, he emphasized, despite having job opportunities “the difficult thing is that the recently graduated doctors don't want to join the public health system and work in clinics in the southern area of the State of Mexico ,” such is the case of Tlatlaya, Tejupilco , and Valle de Bravo.

Therefore, he discussed the issue with the authorities in charge of security in the state, especially in certain municipalities, so that they create a strategy and give certainty to the employees who work in the clinics, so they can sleep in the clinics without being at risk.

The issue was presented before the local Congress a month ago.
