
COVID-19: Over 100 Mexicans have died in NY from coronavirus

According to the organization Fuerza Migrante, only in New York, 100 Mexicans have died and it is known that the same number could be registered in other states

New York is one of the cities that has been affected the most by coronavirus - Photo: File photo/AFP
08/04/2020 |12:31Ariadna García |
Redacción El Universal
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Over 100 Mexicans

have died in the United States after getting infected with COVID-19 . According to the organization (Migrant Force), only in New York, 100 Mexicans have died and it is known that the same number could be registered in other states.

The current problem, as said a spokesman to the organization, is that the bodies or ashes cannot be repatriated immediately due to the health emergency , besides the cost it represents.

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Migrant Force, through its network of migrants , has begun to elaborate a list of the Mexicans that have died due to COVID-19.

Mexico’s Foreign Affairs Ministry (SRE)

authorized support for up to USD $1,800 for basic burial services, cremations , and transporting the bodies of co-nationals who died in the U.S. and Canada to Mexico. The measure will only be valid from April through July 2020 .

Diplomatic authorities reversed the order that the maximum amount for this support was of USD $1,500 with previous authorization, as informed by the general director of Protection for Mexicans Abroad Julián Escutia, who sent a statement to the diplomatic missions in North America.


New York

is one of the cities that has been most affected by the pandemic and also where more people have died due to COVID-19. Throughout the whole NY state, there have been almost 5,500 deaths .

According to the SRE, Mexicans can spend between USD $2,000 and $4,000 for the repatriation of the body of a relative. Migrant Force said that currently, repatriations can cost over USD $5,000 .

Two thousand deaths more

A total of 1,939 people have died throughout the U.S. in the last 24 hours due to COVID-19 , according to the John Hopkins University . It is the worst balance for a country in the world since the beginning of the pandemic and it represents a total of 12,722 deaths .

Regarding infections, with over 398,000 , the U.S. has over one-fourth of the global cases.


Amid the crisis, President Donald Trump threatened the World Health Organization (WHO) , the United Nations organism that works in the first line of action against coronavirus, with freezing government funds. Trump accused the WHO of mishandling the pandemic in favor of China.

