
COVID-19: Mexico helps stranded UK citizens to return home

In reciprocity, the shipping company flew 141 Mexicans back home for free

Passengers and crew members were stranded inside the Marella Explorer 2, near Puerto Progreso, in the state of Yucatán - Photo: Feature photography
02/04/2020 |16:19Ariadna García |
Redacción El Universal
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Amid the pandemic, the Mexican government , in coordination with Yucatán authorities and the UK embassy in Mexico , reached an agreement to transport 49 UK citizens back to their countries, after being stranded in a cruise ship for some time.

According to reports, 46 passengers and 3 crew members were stranded inside the Marella Explorer 2 , near Puerto Progreso , in the state of Yucatán. Furthermore, according to the UK embassy in Mexico, some passengers had experimented some flu symptoms , similar to those of .

After the UK government issued a request to Mexico’s Foreign Ministry , there was an operation to disembark the passengers so they could board a direct flight to London.

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Ambassador Corin Robertson

said, “I am incredibly grateful to the Mexican and Yucatán Governments, and TUI for their support and commitment to make this happen.”


On the other hand, the Foreign Ministry said that in order to protect federal authorities, state authorities, and staff from the UK embassy who were present during the operation, authorities facilitated disembarkment procedures and paperwork , as well as the process to verify the health of passengers by following international protocols , as well as migration, customs, and security examinations. All those present wore protective suits to prevent contagions .

After Mexico’s humanitarian labo r, in reciprocity, the shipping company that owns the ship flew 141 Mexicans back home for free; they were stranded in different European countries and in the Middle East.

