
Court approves the right to medical marijuana in Mexico City

The Court also ratified the right to drinking water, education, and migrants' right to protection

Mexico is moving forwards in the decriminalization of drugs - Photo: Perla Sánchez/Obture Press
10/09/2019 |15:10Diana Lastiri |
Redacción El Universal
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Mexico's Supreme Court

( SCJN ) ratified the articles included in Mexico City's Constitution and which establishes the right to use medical marijuana .

The ministers indicated that recognizing the right to use medical marijuana does not imply the prohibition of its recreational use .

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Arturo Zaldívar Lelo de Larrea

, the president of the Supreme Court , said “It seems to me that the fact that the local Constitution talks about the medical and therapeutic use doesn't imply banning the recreational use of marijuana . Therefore, this provision seems under-inclusive to me but not necessarily constitutional.”

The Supreme Court also ratified the right to safe drinking water, education , the preservation of monuments in the city, and migrant s' right to protection.
