
Company owned by Emilio Lozoya's wife is investigated for money laundering

Emilio Lozoya is currently at large and it's believed that he is currently in Germany

Emilio Lozoya is currently at large - Photo: Juan Pablo Zamora/CUARTOSCURO.COM
02/07/2019 |11:38EFE |
Redacción El Universal
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Marielle Helene Eckes

, who is married to Emilio Lozoya , associated with a lawyer who works for Altos Hornos de México (AHMSA) to create a company that was allegedly investigated for money laundering and fraud.

According to the , Mexicanos Contra la Corrupción y la Impunidad (MCCI) , the Attorney General found several links between Emilio Lozoya's family and operators from Altos Hornos de México .

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Emilio Lozoya

is the former Pemex director and is at large and Alonso Ancira , the owner and director of AHMSA , are being investigated for irregularities in the purchase of a fertilizer plant by Pemex .

According to the NGO , the relationship between Emilio Lozoya's family and AHMSA is closer than expected because a “lawyer who works for Altos Hornos de México partnered with the wife of the former Pemex director in a real estate company that is being investigated by authorities."

“According to the investigations, the wife of the former Pemex director associated with a lawyer that has worked for AHMSA and together they created a company named Yacani , whose bank accounts were intervened for suspicions of money laundering and fraud for MXN $5 million (around MXN $260,000).”


was created on November 25, 2014, by Marielle Helene Eckes, Lozoya's wife as a Mexican company with foreign investment from Germany , where she is from. The company provides real estate services and rentals.

“The investigations suggest that Yacani transferred resources from alleged unlawful origin and therefore, authorities ordered to block bank accounts owned by the company and Lozoya's wife .”

Tannia Beatriz López Abud

, the partner and the legal representative of Yacani, has worked as a lawyer at AHMSA , according to documents.

In late May, after Alonso Ancira was arrested in Spain, Tannia Beatriz López Abud's lawyer, Juan Carlos Quintana Serur , organized an urgent meeting with the AHMSA executive board .

Moreover, Quintana Serur acquired a home in Ixtapa for the Lozoya family in 2013.

Emilio Lozoya

is now at large. The former Pemex director is also linked to the Odebrecht corruption scandal , after he allegedly received USD $10 million and it's also claimed that he helped OHL , a Spanish construction company, to obtain contracts for USD $477 million.
