
Canada’s Senate approves USMCA trade deal

After months of intense negotiations, Canada ratified the new North American trade agreement

The USMCA will replace NAFTA – Photo: File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
13/03/2020 |15:24Newsroom |
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Canada’s Senate

approved the new North American trade agreement with Mexico and the United States ( ).

Through his Twitter account, Jesús Seade , Mexico's deputy secretary for North America, informed that Canada’s Senate has approved the law to implement the USMCA .

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“Finally, after intense negotiations, the deal will become a reality that will strengthen competitiveness in North America . Congratulations!”

Likewise, Juan José Ignacio Gómez Camacho , Mexico’s ambassador to Canada, pointed out that after being this morning at the Lower Chamber , Canada’s Senate also approved the USMCA with which the parliamentary process has concluded.


“The next and last step will be the signing of the corresponding decree by [Canada’s] General Governor [Julie Payette] and [Jesús Seade,” he wrote on Twitter .

USMCA approved before suspending work over coronavirus

Canada’s approval of the USMCA was concluded just before suspending its work until April 20 due to the .

The new trade deal was ratified by Mexico on December 10 and enacted by U.S. President Donald Trump on February 29 .

The USMCA is a modern version of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) agreed on by Mexico, the U.S., and Canada in 1994 .

In August 2017 , Trump imposed a renegotiation of NAFTA saying it was the “worst trade agreement in the history” of the United States and that it had been responsible for destroying jobs in his country due to the relocation of jobs in search of cheap labor in Mexico.

