
Authorities investigate Enrique Peña Nieto, his children, and ex-wife Angélica Rivera

Peña Nieto was last seen in public in September 2019, when we wore a wig to feast on sushi along with his model girlfriend

Minister Sandoval is investigating the increase in the wealth of the former Mexican President - Photo: File Photo/EL UNIVERSAL
19/04/2020 |15:22Horacio Jiménez y Carina García |
Redacción El Universal
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Mexico’s federal government, led by President r, ordered his administration to investigate all the bank account s and financial movements made by former President and his family during his presidency.

At the same time, the Financial Intelligence Unit (UIF), led by Santiago Nieto , asked the National Banking and Securities Commission for detailed information regarding bank accounts , movements, contracts signed, credits, or homes purchased by PRI lawmaker Luis Enrique Miranda , who was the head of the during Peña Nieto’s administration; the UIF also requested information about Alma Laura Saldaña Farach , Miranda’s wife.

In one of the documents obtained by EL UNIVERSAL, the Public Affairs Ministry requested the National Banking and Securities Commission a review of all the financial movement made by Enrique Peña Nieto , his , and his children: Paulina Peña Pretelini, Nicole Peña Pretelini, Alejandro Peña Pretelini, and Diego Alejandro .

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The request for information was issued by Minister Irma Eréndira Sandoval on April 14. In the document, it is explained that Sandoval is investigating the increase in the wealth of the

In the request, the Public Affairs Ministry includes at least 50 banks where , his children, and his relatives have bank accounts, including Banca Afirme, Banco del Bajío, ABC Capital Banco, Citibanamex, Santander, HSBC, Bancofiel, Bank of China México, Bank of America México, American Express Bank México, Banco Azteca, BBVA México, Banco Multiva, among others.

Moreover, the Mexican government is requested access to cheque accounts, savings, deposits, credits , and any other financial operation registered between December 1, 2012, and November 30, 2018.

The document also requests a review of exchange houses, savings accounts , and others entities where Enrique Peña Nieto , , Paulina Peña, Nicole Peña, Alejandro Peña, or Diego Alejandro Peña are beneficiaries.

Furthermore, the Public Affairs Ministry requested a “certified copy of the documents such as bank statements , files such as contracts, documents provided to open bank accounts and modifications made to the specific file, mortgages , car loans, personal credits, and consumption credits, as well as information related to opening dates, amounts, terms, and the current balance.”

When EL UNIVERSAL questioned the Public Affairs Ministry about the authenticity of the document obtained, a spokesperson said they couldn’t provide information in regards to the investigation .


Luis Enrique Miranda & Alma Laura Saldaña Farach

In another document, the UIF requested information related to PRI lawmaker Luis Enrique Miranda and his wife, Alma Laura Saldaña Farach, from 2010 to 2020. According to the government department, it will analyze and process all the information.

In this document, also obtained by EL UNIVERSAL, it is explained that Luis Enrique Miranda and Alma Laura Saldaña are being investigated and that authorities are requesting all the information about their bank accounts, contracts signed, credits, or homes purchased by either of them.

In this document, authorities request monthly statements from 2010 to 2020. The UIF also requested documents in regards to their home, contracts, authorized signatures, among other legal documents.

The documents mentioned that under no circumstances should clients be alerted about the requests for information.


The investigation is confirmed

On April 16, Santiago Nieto confirmed Luis Enrique Miranda is under investigation but didn’t provide further information.

Nieto explained that the government is not looking to imprison former government officials but to take the cases to tribunals and end with impunity .

In a meeting with lawmakers from the PT, Santiago Nieto said authorities have “filed lawsuits against , there is an ongoing investigation in a case against Luis Miranda, and the President has told me that we must have a 0 tolerance polic y for corruption and impunity.”

EL UNIVERSAL requested a comment from and Miranda but didn’t receive a response.


Peña Nieto’s new life

After his presidency ended on November 30, 2018, divorced Angélica Rivera and withdrew from public life. It was later revealed he is now in a relationship with model . He was last seen in public on September 18, when he to feast on sushi along with Ruíz in New York.

