The dean of the National Autonomous University (UNAM), Enrique Graue , said that the “rise in violence” the University has experienced in the past weeks has reached “unacceptable limits”, referring to the incident which took place last Friday at the University City (CU) – in which two people were killed – and an attack against a professor at the University's campus in Acatlán. Nevertheless, the dean insisted armed security wouldn't be considered as an option,

“In the days and weeks to come, we will listen to voices, external and internal, that will call out for other more aggressive alternatives , some that wish to see us armed or militarized, and some will take advantage of the electoral and political times we're living in our country to try and destabilize us. But they will not succeed if we work together,” said Graue during a press release, where he was joined by the Secretary-General Leonardo Lomelí, and Mónica González, attorney of the University.

“We are aware of how fragile security is within our University as a diverse, open, and democratic space but our strength relies on knowledge, on freedom, on moral authority, on autonomy, and on the observance of the University's rules and regulations,” Graue added, stating that as dean of the University he accepted “full responsibility” for the collateral damage that the security measures implemented at the University could bring.

The dean claimed that ignoring insecurity and drug dealing was not an option for the community, reason why the University's efforts to clear University City from drug dealers represents a risk in which innocent people may be harmed but he is confident the measures and actions taken in this regard are the right ones, “as this is a complex and difficult road, which invariably requires permanent improvement and reinforcement but this is what's best for our University.”

Graue then talked about some of the measures they have taken to improve security at University City and the collaboration they have with Mexico City authorities, yet insisted unity was a vital part of the efforts undertaken.

The dean asked professors, department directors, and rectors of faculties to remain alert, encouraging them to act with “resolve and prudence” but keeping the best interests of the University in mind.

To the employees , the dean asked for their support in denouncing suspicious or dangerous events, meanwhile, he asked of the student body to stay away from drug dealers, as they “live in a world foreign to ours; they're not your friends and they represent dangerous and unsafe relationships.”


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