
Another mass grave found in Reynosa

38 bone fragments have been found in a mass grave in Reynosa, where there are traces of blood and ash

The anonymous tip received at the Command and Control Headquarters of Reynosa put the State Police on alert - Photo: File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
26/09/2018 |18:10Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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On Monday, September 24 , an anonymous phone call allowed elements of the State Police to discover a clandestine graveyard where several skeletons and blood-stained clothes were found on a plain in Reynosa, Tamaulipas . According to local authorities, the mass grave is located near a water body known as Calichera in the Alianza Social colony.

The anonymous tip received at the Command and Control Headquarters of Reynosa put the State Police on alert. Their units were immediately deployed in the area in order to cordon it off, giving notice to high commands to begin the collection of evidence.

According to local police elements, ashes were also found among the skeletons, which has led them to believe that the corpses were burnt .

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A total of 38 bone fragments have been located so far in the newly discovered mass grave. With the undergoing investigation, the local Attorney General informed that the government of Tamaulipas reiterated its commitment with society to provide answers to the victims’ families.
