
Although gender-based violence is on the rise, the Mexican government shows no empathy

The Mexican President has criticized the feminist activists several times

Mexican women have faced a surge in gender-based violence for years - Photo: Martín Zetina/CUARTOSCURO.COM
27/09/2020 |07:48
Redacción El Universal
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It is hard to believe when the federal government says it is working on protection measures for women now that the Executive Commission for Victim Assistance has no director, the National Institute for Women remains in the dark, and the National Human Rights Commission is paralyzed and whose director refuses to answer the questions made by the opposition.

Amid a crisis sparked by gender-based violence , President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said some people had infiltrated the feminist movement in a bid to attack and discredit his government. The Mexican President even said there are hypocrites among those who protest in favor of women because, according to him, they are “corrupt and conservatives who dress up as feminists” and that they also use women to attack the federal government.

Surprisingly, López Obrador focuses on saying that infiltrators have joined the feminist movement during a time when femicides are on the rise, when authorities insist on blaming victims, or when they brand them “crimes of passion.” For example, a few days ago, teacher Jéssica González Villaseñor was found dead in Morelia, Michoacán.

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Furthermore, an investigation launched by this newspaper reveals that some police officers were involved in femicides, although their duty was to protect women, they harmed them. This is not what society expects from authorities.

When it comes to criticism against his administration, President López Obrador says these are reactions motivated by the fight against corruption. However, he must understand that Manichean explanations and accusations are not beneficial for his project.

Although it is understandable that the President focuses on specific goals, he must be humble and listen to Mexican women who demand a halt to injustice. Women demanding a more emphatic and supportive government should not be interpreted as an attack against the federal government.
