
Alejandro Moreno was booed

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

Alejandro Moreno, the Governor of Campeche - Photo: Lucía Godínez/EL UNIVERSAL
14/04/2019 |10:00
Redacción El Universal
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Alejandro Moreno was booed

It seemed like Governors weren't being booed during public events hosted along President López Obrador anymore, at least Diego Sinhué from Guanajuato and Enrique Alfaro from Jalisco weren't booed. Nevertheless, Campeche Governor Alejandro Moreno was booed yesterday during an event with the President . Moreno looked grim during the event but said that “screams and shouts don't scare me.” Sinhué and Alfaro should share their secret.

A united front against Monreal

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The opposition at the Senate has left on vacations without any worry, as they managed to unite against the proposal announced by Ricardo Monreal, Morena , who wants to shake the Judiciary by shutting the Judicial Council down and adding 5 ministers to the Supreme Court . We've been told that opposition parliamentary coordinators Mauricio Kur i from the PAN ; Miguel Ángel Osorio, PRI ; Dante Delgado from the MC , and Miguel Ángel Mancera form the PRD have agreed to reject the reform , since Interior Minister Olga Sánchez Cordero , agrees with them.

Against evaluation

In the Foreign Affairs Ministry , employees are upset because administrative authorities want to apply confidence and performance evaluation s to all the workers, including the members of the Foreign Mexican Service , who are constantly evaluated. We've been told they will look to apply the evaluations to career diplomats but they claim there is no legal basis to support this action.

Who will handle U.S. lawmakers?

After 7 months, the lower chamber will finally appoint the 120 “friendship groups” , bodies that promote inter-parliamentary relationshi ps between Mexico and the world. Morena 's coordinator in the lower chamber, Mario Delgado is looking to reach consensus to appoint those who will lead the England, Germany, United States, and Canada group s. We've been told that the priority is to project a strong image abroad, especially in the U.S. group, especially since there are two leading contenders: Teresita de Jesús Vargas , from Morena and Pilar Lozan o, from MC . Who will be the winner?
