
Aguascalientes boasts tallest recyclable Christmas tree in the world

The Christmas tree is 27.48 meters tall and was made out of 98 thousand plastic bottles

Once the holidays are over, the Christmas tree will be dismantled and taken to a Coca-Cola plant for recycling - Photo: Taken from Yolanda Ramírez's official Twitter page
21/12/2018 |14:36Xóchitl Álvarez / Corresponsal |
Redacción El Universal
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This morning, the Mexican state of Aguascalientes was decorated with the Guinness World Record for building the tallest Christmas tree in the world with recycled materials. The tree is located at the Christmas Villa in the island of San Marcos .

Elementary and high school students from 74 education centers collected 98 thousand plastic bottles that gave shape to the 27.48-meter tall Christmas tree , setting a new world record.

Carlos Tapia Rojas, official Guinness World Record

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contracting authority in Latin America , said that the plastic bottle structure had broken the world record for the tallest Christmas tree made out of recyclable materials, beating the previous record of 20.4 meters .

“I want to congratulate Aguascalientes and Mexico ; You are officially amazing!” commented Tapia Rojas during the presentation of the award, which was given to the head of the National System for the Integral Development of the Family (DIF), Yolanda Ramírez .

Tapia Rojas underlined the government’s support, as well as the participation of students from 74 schools that worked on the project for more than seven weeks , with help from 120 people.

The director of DIF added that the students and government workers had put up a very beautiful tree, and once the holidays were over, the Christmas tree would be dismantled so that the plastic bottles could be taken to the Coca-Cola recycling plant in Mexico City .
