
Advantages of sex education

Mexico has the highest rate of teen pregnancies amongst OECD countries; experts have stated that there is no better way to prevent teen pregnancy than a good education

Students - File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
21/06/2018 |08:05
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Mexico ranks number 1 for teen pregnancies amongst member countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). A study prepared by the organisation and published last year reports that between 2005 and 2011, teen pregnancy rate in Mexico went from 30 to 37 women for every 1000. The increase in cases should have raised some red flags at all government levels.

The appearance of a baby in the life of teens under 18 has important social repercussions, given that, first of all, it disrupts the possibilities of the young parents of continuing their education since they find themselves facing responsibilities they weren't prepared for.

Experts have stated that there is no better prevention of teen pregnancy than a good education yet concerning sex education, there are still many doubts and myths in the country. Some parents consider inappropriate that children receive sex education at school; however, experts claim being well-informed encourages children to make decisions considering higher levels of responsibility .

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In the textbooks approved by the Ministry of Public Education for next school year for the seventh grade (first year of middle school), there will be contents which should have been included a long time ago, such as homosexuality, masturbation, and pregnancy and addiction prevention. Those who usually begin their sex life early and without protection are the onews who have less information.

Timely and accurate explanations

are useful to become aware of the risks of any decision made throughout your life. Many cases of discrimination, gender violence, and sexual abuse could be avoided if, from an early age, the individuals acquired enough knowledge, awareness, and responsibility on the seriousnes of these situations.

At a time when access to information – good and poor – is one click away and when parents have little time to be with their children, the possibility of a good education falls back onto teachers. It's to be expected that inclusion of these subjects goes hand in hand with teacher training so students are provided an adequate education.

Myths, taboos, and poor information prevent the possibility of having access to a healthy and responsible sex life . If with these changes to textbooks teen pregnancies decrease and we bury backward ideas, then the benefit will be for individuals, couples, and society itself.
