
50% of Mexicans earn MXN $5,301 per month

Most of the Mexican population survives with MXN $5,301 or less per month

Most Mexican workers earn very little - Edgar Garrido/REUTERS
22/08/2018 |14:39
Redacción El Universal
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of the Mexican workers earn up to two minimum salaries , that is, they earn up to MXN $5,301 per month , in the best of cases, according to the most recent survey carried out by Inegi.

By 2018's second trimester, the working population in Mexico amounted to 58.8 million , and 27.3 million perceive up to two minimum salary, that is, 50.7% earn MXN $5,301 per month. The number is 34.6% higher than in 2011.

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According to disaggregated data, almost 3 million workers don't earn money , as they work with family members or subsistence farm activities. Meanwhile, 8.7 million earn up to MXN $2,650 and 15.3 million who earn more than one and up to two minimum salaries, which represents the majority of the labor market, with 28.4%.

The majority of the workers who register an income of up to two minimum salaries is between 30 and 49 years old, a total of 11 million; followed by young people between 15 and 29, 9 million in total; meanwhile 7.3 million are older than 50 years.

The state that registers the highest number of people with low income is the State of Mexico , with 3.8 million workers who earn up to two minimum salaries and make up 50.1% of the working population.

It's followed by Veracruz , with 2 million people and 63% of working population; Puebla with 1.8 million and 66%; Mexico City with 1.7 million and 40%; and Jalisco with 1.5 million and 42%; also Chiapas , with 1.5 million, with 80%, the biggest proportion among all the states.

Only 23.6% or 6.4 million people who earn up to two minimum salaries work in the formal sector , while 76.4% work in the informal sector. This means that, besides having a low income, they don't have access to health care or benefits.

The informal workers make up to 30.5 million, 56.6% of the working population.

14.8 million

work in the informal sector, a 4.7% annual increase, and makes up 27.4% of the working population . And 7.6 million work in companies, the government, and institutions; 5.9 million work in farming; and 2.2 million in domestic services.

The unemployed population amounts to 1.9 million during 2018's second trimester, similar to the last trimester.
