
Mexico, US to develop closer energy ties

The governments want to reinforce security, adaptability, and confidence in the sector

Photo: Taken from Twitter - @PresidenciaMX
14/07/2017 |17:24
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Mexico and the United States

agreed to work on three strategic axes "to increase and strengthen energy security ," as well as to promote the growth and integration of the energy markets of both nations, reported the Presidency of the Mexican Republic.

Yesterday, President Enrique Peña Nieto received US Secretary of Energy Rick Perry privately at Los Pinos Official Residency.

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During the meeting, Peña said that the Mexican government is pleased with the reinforcement of the bilateral energy relationship with the US and is confident that this visit will lead to a new stage of energy collaboration between the two countries.

At the end of the meeting, the presidential house reported that the Department of Energy and the Secretary of Energy agreed three strategic axes for the relationship between Mexico and the US in this sector:

"To strengthen security, reliability, and adaptability of our energy systems. To promote trade, investment, and energy infrastructure between the two countries. To promote the development and innovation in all resources and energy technologies, from conventional sources to clean energies."

The Presidency detailed that in this direction, Mexico and the US carry out " mutually beneficial " initiatives and actions that open new opportunities for collaboration in the sector.

It was explained that the work of the US-Mexico Energy Business Council will be promoted, taking advantage of the dialogue between the public and private sector in competitiveness, energy security, and talent development.

"It will also seek to increase the interconnection of infrastructure and integration of the energy markets of Mexico and the US, supporting studies and projects that increase our points of entry for hydrocarbon pipelines, cross-border electric transmission lines, and energy projects on our border."

Both nations will strengthen coordination and binational and regional capacity in cyber security and electrical reliability , in order to prevent and react to contingencies that put the supply at risk.

They also seek to strengthen the cooperation for peaceful uses of nuclear energy and to formalize, in the near future, an agreement between the two governments on the matter.
