
UNDER RESERVE: Moreira vs. Moreira

Under Reserve features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

11/06/2017 |08:51
Redacción El Universal
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Moreira vs. Moreira

Politicians very close to the former ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) national leader, Humberto Moreira , tell us that who is most interested in him not reaching the Congress of Coahuila is the current governor of the entity, Ruben Moreira , his own brother, his own blood. From within the circle of Mr. Humberto we are told that it's a fact that the controversial professor Moreira will not have immunity during the following three years. According to the final counts, Mr. Humberto finished just behind the line, only .13 tenths under the total percentage of the votes to keep the registry of Young Party and thus have the possibility of a plurinominal seat. His brother, Rubén, "is capable of everything to prevent the arrival of his brother to the state Congress," we were told. The political conflict of the Moreiras is like a play of betrayals: any resemblance to real life is only a coincidence.

Post-electoral complaints in the State of Mexico and Coahuila

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In the post-election phase, the National Electoral Institute , headed by Lorenzo Córdova , focuses his efforts in the review of campaign expenditures. For the moment, we are told, political parties have filed 52 complaints of different kinds and only 10 correspond to alleged excesses of expenditure. In the hands of the President of the Inspection Commission of the National Electoral Institute, INE, Enrique Andrade , there are four complaints of political parties in Coahuila and only one corresponding to the State of Mexico . Those who know the procedures tell us that the complaints about exceeding the campaign expenses will have as consequence the application of millionaire fines that will be paid with treasury resources. Five other complaints were presented regarding the municipal elections in Veracruz , but these are not making waves like the conservative National Action Party (PAN) and far-left National Regeneration Party (MORENA) are in Coahuila or PAN and left Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) in the State of Mexico .

Fast track to Riquelme

Contrary to what has been experienced in recent days in Coahuila , a fast track session of the Electoral Institute of Coahuila in the early hours of this Sunday is expected to deliver the certificate of majority to the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) member, Miguel Angel Riquelme , which credits him as governor-elect of the entity. We are told that the opposition front, led by the conservative National Action Party (PAN) head, Guillermo Anaya , and far-left National Regeneration Party (MORENA) representative, Armando Guadiana , will transfer their protest to the city of Torreón, México , in the afternoon, which apparently, clears the way for Riquelme to have a peaceful ceremony. This evening, a ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) celebration is expected to proclaim his victory. Won't the opponents do anything this time?

AMLO loosens the rope

We are told that the results of the June 4 elections left a great lesson for Andrés Manuel López Obrador , leader of far-left National Regeneration Party (MORENA) : electoral alliances can be very competitive and, in some cases, guarantee opposition victories against their political rival, ruling Institutional R evolutionary Party (PRI) . Now, the man from Tabasco is determined to loosen the rope and open himself to unity with other left parties. However, we are told, it is still necessary to decide on what terms Mr. Andrés Manuel could ally with other parties, such as left Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) , which has criticized the proposal of AMLO, who only seeks the "submission" of others to his political project. Has López Obrador learned the lesson?
