
Mexican government stiffens press revision prior to President Peña event

The revision comes only 24 hours after the president vowed to protect the Mexican press following protests of the Journalists guild. The Mexican Presidency regards revision as "normal procedure"

Mexican government stiffens press revision prior to President Peña event
18/05/2017 |17:48
Redacción El Universal
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The Mexican Presidency stiffened security protocols prior to an event President Peña Nieto led this afternoon in Querétaro, only 24 hours after the president vowed to protect the Mexican press following protests of the Journalists guild after the murder of prominent veteran journalist Javier Valdez.

The Mexican presidency regarded the revision as "normal procedure", while revision measures included that reporters and photojournalists assigned to cover the president's agenda on a daily basis left the vans from Los Pinos presidential residence without carrying any backpacks or purses.

For its part, the Presidential Guard (EMP) escorted all journalists through a metal detector arch and performed random security body search to members of the press.

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