
Scientist is crowned Miss USA

Kara McCullough wishes to inspire children to develop their careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math

Photo: AFP
15/05/2017 |09:39AP |
Redacción El Universal
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Kara McCullough, a scientist who works for the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, was yesterday crowned Miss USA.

McCullogh, who represented the District of Columbia in the beauty contest, was born in Naples, Italy, and grew up in Virginia Beach, Virginia. She said she wishes to inspire children to develop their careers in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.

McCullough won over other 50 contestants and will represent the United States at the Miss Universe beauty pageant.

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This is the second consecutive time in which the representative of the nation's capital wins the contest. Last year, Deshauna Barber, a resident of the District of Columbia, became the first member of the Army to win the pageant.
