
Jalisco Orchestra to perform in Germany

Only last summer the Youth Symphonic Orchestra of the National Autonomous University of Mexico performed for Berlin audiences

Guadalajara-born pianist, Daniela Liebman, playing with the Jalisco Philharmonic Orchestra – File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
17/03/2017 |18:05
Redacción El Universal
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Jalisco Philharmonic Orchestra, led by Montreal-born director Marco Parisotto, will perform for German audiences for the first time by late April this year, as part of the cultural exchange of the Mexico-Germany dual year.

With musical presentations in Berlin, Munich and Essen, the Jalisco Philharmonic Orchestra’s program includes musical compositions such as Redes (Networks) from 1936 by Silvestre Revueltas, as well as Danzón No. 2 from 1996 by Arturo Márquez.

Mexican drum ensemble Tambuco will perform the piece Metal de Tréboles (Shamrock Metal) by Javier Álvarez.

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Only last summer the Youth Symphonic Orchestra of the National Autonomous University of Mexico performed for Berlin audiences under the musical direction of Sergio Cárdenas.
