
Trump wants tax to pay for border wall

White House Press Secretary Spicer said that taxing imports from Mexico would generate US$10 billion a year and "easily pay for the wall."

Trump wants tax to pay for border wall
26/01/2017 |15:13AP |
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President Donald Trump wants to pay for his proposed southern border wall by slapping a 20 percent tax on imports from Mexico.

White House spokesman Sean Spicer says Trump has discussed the idea with congressional leaders and wants to include the measure in a comprehensive tax reform package.

Spicer spoke to reporters on Air Force One as Trump flew back from a Republican retreat in Philadelphia. He says that taxing imports from Mexico would generate US$10 billion a year and "easily pay for the wall."

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Spicer says discussions are continuing with lawmakers to make sure the plan is "done right." But he says it "clearly provides funding" for the wall.
White House press secretary Sean Spicer says the Trump administration "will keep the lines of communication open" with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto after he canceled a planned visit to Washington.

Peña Nieto tweeted that he was scrapping the White House trip, set for next week. That word came hours after Trump tweeted that their meeting should be canceled if Mexico refused to pay for a border wall.

Spicer says the administration will "look for a date to schedule something in the future."