
Mexico peso weakens after Trump comments on border wall

The peso slipped 0.3 percent after touching a three-week peak earlier in the day.

Mexico peso weakens after Trump comments on border wall
26/01/2017 |17:52Reuters |
Redacción El Universal
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The Mexican peso weakened on Thursday after U.S. President Donald Trump said Mexico should cancel a presidential visit to Washington if it refuses to pay for a proposed wall along the border.

The peso slipped 0.3 percent after touching a three-week peak earlier in the day.

Mexico's benchmark IPC stock index fell 0.6 percent.

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Trump's comments on Twitter could undo a planned summit next week where he and his Mexican counterpart, Enrique Peña Nieto, were expected to discuss Trump's election campaign pledge to build a wall along their shared border and to renegotiate trade deals.