
New York fashion designer arrested in Mexico and extradited to U.S.

Malcolm Harris, who was wanted in connection with an alleged international bribery scheme, was arrested together with his husband and extradited to the U.S.

Photo: Twitter.com/curatorofcoolny
13/01/2017 |20:15
Redacción El Universal
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New York fashion designer Malcolm Harris, who dubbed himself on social media the "curator of cool," was indicted in a U.S. federal court this week in connection with an alleged international bribery scheme.

Harris and his husband, who posted on Instagram this week from Mexico, were arrested in San Miguel de Allende by officials from the Mexican Attorney General's Office in a joint effort with U.S. federal agents.

The couple, who own a hotel in San Miguel de Allende, were arrested on Thursday while on their way home.

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San Miguel de Allende's mayor reports that the couple have since been extradited to the U.S.

Harris, 52, moves in different circles. His wedding, held on a fashion runway, was featured in 2012 on the Bravo TV network in an episode labeled online as "Matrimony Fierce."

He frequently writes on cultural topics for the Huffington Post, where his profile as an independent contributor described him as a "creative consultant, cultural icon, and art world aficionado."

Fashion publications have said his famous friends include Madonna, that he studied at New York's Fashion Institute of Technology and that he has lived in Paris and Tokyo.

He sold three dresses to Angelina Jolie, despite having twice hung up on her phone calls after mistakenly thinking it was a prankster, the celebrity TV show Access Hollywood reported in 2009.

In 2005, he told the Washington Post that as much as he "adored" the fashion business, he had become fed up with celebrities "mooching" free clothing from designers.