A video of a woman yelling racial slurs at two Hispanic women at a famous department store in Louisville, Kentucky has gone viral after it was posted on social networks on Tuesday night.

The elderly white woman is shown yelling at a Spanish-speaking woman ''go back wherever the fuck you come from” after the other woman added a last-minute transaction instead of getting in line. 

According to Renee Buckner, the woman who recorded the video, one of the Hispanic women was purchasing items and the transaction was almost complete, then her friend brings up some shirts to be added to her purchase instead of getting in line.

“You’re a nobody,” she went on. “Just because you come from another country, it don’t make you nobody! Nobody, as far as I’m concerned. You’re probably on welfare, the taxpayers probably paid for all that stuff.”

The video has been viewed over five million times.

Watch the video, embedded below:

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