The Egyptian president, Abdel Fattah al Sisi, declared three days of national mourning in honor of the twenty-five people who died during the religious service that was taking place, when the explosion occurred in the Saint Peter’s temple in El Cairo, Egypt. As a result, twenty-five people were killed, while other fifty remain severely injured.

Through a release, the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) strongly condemned the attack to the Coptic cathedral and reiterated its absolute rejection to any act of terrorism, specially those targeting the civil population.

The Ministry of Foreign affairs also made a hotline available via twitter, for all fellow nationals who may require assistance: “in the face of the events occurred in Egypt, the Ministry of Public Affairs and the Mexican Embassy in Egypt @EmbaMexEgipto has activated the following hotline for fellow nationals requiring assistance: (+20) 0109 3269490”.

On behalf of Mexico, the Ministry also expressed its condolences to the Egyptian government and to the families of the victims of the attack.

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